In 2024, we surrendered our organic certification due to the costly initiatives of the USDA being pushed on small farms such as our own. Though we are no longer audited, we continue to use the same organic practices and believe transparency is key. You can view our seed orders, and inputs on this page. Below are the same materials that the organic auditor would view during yearly inspections. We believe in the movement and are open to re-certifying in the future when it makes sense for our operation.
We consider ourselves stakeholders in the conservation and rehabilitation of the Catawissa Creek and Chesapeake Bay watershed. We understand everything we do has the potential to impact those downstream.
This is precisely why we practice organic field and pasture management. We use regenerative agriculture practices such as cover-cropping and field rotations to add and replenish organic matter in the soil. We use row-covers for pest management, weed by hand and limit our irrigation. All of our produce is grown with love.